mallorca cherries

mallorca cherries

Monday, January 17, 2011

Up and Running

This is my first blog entry and it is quite exciting. After hours of foutering about on google and reading other people's blogs- I have managed to cobble together my own page.
We are about to set out on a 6 week adventure around the globe, spending most of the time away in New Zealand. The idea is to use this page as a way of recording our travels in words and pictures and share it with people back home.
Three days to go and the countdown and packing begins in earnest......


  1. Woohoo! I am your first follower. How about that for an on the ball sister-in-law? We look forward to following your travels on here. Hope you two have a good time.

  2. Very impressive, Joanne! Looking forward to cyber-stalking you and Andrew. Hope to see lots of arty photos. xx

  3. Hi Joanne,
    Got the link OK. Mind and send lots of pictures and chat. I always looked forward to reading another friend's blogs on her year long trip. I had nothing interesting to do when she returned!! Sad life I've got. Heather
